We do cool stuff with photos and videos so people share branded content…

what we are good at

Making sure you get return-on-investment from a custom install is super important.

From building relationships with consumers through data capture, to improving brand reach through customised UX and brand exposure, noonah can take your locations to the next level.

Take a look below…

social sharing

Social is the place to be. We help you get there. Add your branding, hashtags or social handles to the show-stopping snaps. All our tech supports live social sharing which can be done instantly at the event. You can relax and watch your brand exposure climb on social. Trending has never been easier.

  1. Select your image
  2. Enter details
  3. Share instantly!

data capture

Helping you to connect with your consumers. Not only can we track the shares, but we can capture the data, so you can build relationships with the consumers following the exciting event! Let us know what data you want, and we will create custom data capture forms to collect it – with inbuilt GDPR compliance.


Sharing via a microsite speeds up the throughput at an event to maximise the amount of interactions with your target audience. Guests are sent a link to their unique microsite via email or sms. When they click the link they immediately see only their personal branded snaps wrapped in your branded microsite. Guests are already logged into their own devices and can share immediately, making the sharing experience seamless.

customised ux

Every element of the experience can be customised for your event. Add never-seen-before animations to the tech that guides your customers through their experience. From gesture activation to QR code scanning. We do it all! Trigger confetti machines, capture photos over a decibel threshold and scare fans at your chosen moment. The sky is the limit!

brand exposure

You are investing lots on creating your activation, renting the space and hiring the team. You want consumers to remember it. And here’s the rub… we need to keep the content innovative, different and original so they cherish that moment. And it needs to be cool enough for them to share it onto social. That’s why we create photo tech that gives the coolest possible content. We don’t tell them share it onto social – they want to share. The output is preloaded with your brand, messaging and calls to action so they remember the fun times long after the event.