Capturing the attention of cricket fans with a bullet time brand experience


Royal London are the official sponsors of one-day cricket events in the UK. They wanted to surprise and delight cricket fans across the events, engaging with them through an exciting photo capture.

They asked noonah to design and deliver a photo capture experience that would allow fans to celebrate four unconventional cricket moments. The experience needed to provide fans with a branded print to take away from the event and allow them to share their snap to social media, generating brand exposure for Royal London sponsorship.


Our brand new bullet time captures 3D GIFs of users, creating immersive content that can be instantly shared to social media. Based on noonah statistics of over 1,000,000 shares, we know that moving content is more likely to be shared across social media, meeting a crucial KPI from the brief.

For these events, our bullet time was wrapped in Royal London branding, we also provided a Royal London backdrop, and the entire solution was housed within a Royal London branded pavilion. All the branding maximised Royal London exposure across the events and drew the eyes of all cricket fans, encouraging them to engage and share the experience.


Fans at the one-day cricket events queued for ages to have their chance to record a cricket moment bullet time. We had an amazing time being able to build on previous campaigns and deliver something exciting and different that would build Royal London’s brand exposure.

The campaign has been a huge success with an average daily reach on social media of 17,422, exceeding our targets by 74%.



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